Graphic Arts
I’m not sure I have an identifiable design aesthetic. Some of what I do is inspired, some miscellaneous, some serve a client, a brand, or work as a user interface or user experience element. Most of my work is a playful combination of photography, graphic design and vector graphics. All of it is fun to create.
App UI Design
App design is challenging. Everytime a new smartphone or tablet screensize is introduced it affects how the app’s graphics and user interface is rendered. This is tricky, annoying, frustrating, but also rewarding when you get it right. Below is a small sample of my work, for more detail see the One Bad Ant web site.
Lost Ladybug Project

This app was developed for Android and iOS. Unfortunately this app is no longer being actively maintained and it has not weathered the last couple of OS updates on either platform. I’m afraid it will soon disappear from both app stores.
The app uses graphics and photos from Cornell University’s Lost Ladybug Project‘s (LLP) web site and was designed to compliment its look and feel. The design of the site is fairly simple and straightforward. The app is meant to be used in the field to digitally capture ladybugs and then with a button tap send then to the LLP’s website where they are stored and tracked in their database. The app supports a very cool citizen-science project. My fingers are crossed that it continues.
- Title : Lost Ladybug Project
- Documentation : OBA Web Site
- Android : No longer available
- iOS : No longer available