Travel. Live.

Artist Statement.


The question I dread most: “Where are you from?”

Simple answer – I was born in Syracuse, New York. The sit down and buy me a drink answer – I only lived in the U.S. for about three years before my family moved… and moved again… and again… West Germany, Spain, Morocco, West Berlin, back to West Germany, then Germany… Sicily, Italy… and so on.

Where am I from? I’m from a collage. Take your pick.

This peregrination has been rewarding, enlightening, fascinating and has created in me a wanderlust that has never quit. It has broadened my horizons and opened me to new experiences. My way of expressing this fascination, this joy, is through my art. My desire is to create images that communicate the quality of a place and of an experience. And if sharing my artwork with others helps broaden horizons, then I couldn’t ask for more.

In short, I express the collage of my life through my photography, illustration and graphic design.

Traveling as a way of life, creating through art, living, not in fear, but in celebration of different people, cultures, and places, traveling light and leaving my baggage at home (wherever that is) may sound cliche, but it’s true: the more you carry with you the less you take away from your travels.

My art, then, is ultimately an answer to the dreaded, “Where are you from?”

Applied Skills.

Web Design

My One Bad Ant company designs and develops modern, responsive, accessible web sites in a variety of technologies.


I develop new brands and logos and create web sites and apps that compliment a company’s current marketing materials.

App Design

I design and develop Android and iOS apps. Put my One Bad Ant company to work for you meeting your mobile needs.


My art is often art for art’s sake. However, if you’d like to games you should check out KeithKunst Games. You’ll find card and board games designed by yours truely.

All Images, text, and photographs appearing on the Travel Light Photo Website ( and are the exclusive property of Keith M. Kubarek and Travel Light Photography and are protected under United States and international copyright laws. All usage or manipulation of the images including but not limited to Web use, editorial, advertising, multimedia, or distribution is strictly prohibited without written permission of the author.

No images are in the Public Domain. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration is a violation of copyright.

Copyright infringements are liable to prosecution in a United States Federal Court and subject to a fine of US$150,000 for statutory damages as well as court costs and attorney’s fees.