Graphic Arts

I’m not sure I have an identifiable design aesthetic. Some of what I do is inspired, some miscellaneous, some serve a client, a brand, or work as a user interface or user experience element. Most of my work is a playful combination of photography, graphic design and vector graphics. All of it is fun to create.

App UI Design

App design is challenging. Everytime a new smartphone or tablet screensize is introduced it affects how the app’s graphics and user interface is rendered. This is tricky, annoying, frustrating, but also rewarding when you get it right. Below is a small sample of my work, for more detail see the One Bad Ant web site.

Travelers Card Game


After spending the last couple years developing an app for a game company, I was inspired to attempt to create my own card game.

However, while I enjoyed designing the game and creating the cards, instruction booklet, and box designs, I didn’t have the artistic skills to create the fourteen travel characters I planned for the game. Not that I didn’t try, but my images were simple icon-like graphics. And while that could have been one way to go with the design of the game, I wasn’t happy with it.

So I know (and happen to be related to) an amazing artist, Sally Rhone-Kubarek, who has the skills and who thought it would be fun to create characters for the game (thanks Mom!).

So I had a game and now, the artwork. However, this game is proving to be rather complicated, with multiple decks and multiple instruction booklets. To make a long story short, it’s still being tested and refined, and hopefully it will have its own turn to be out in the world soon.

In the meantime, while this game was still being developed, I thought of another card game that could use these travel characters. This one would be much simpler to play, would still be a lot of fun, and would also focus on travel. And that’s the game you see here.

This is a card game based on traveling light and with as few bags as possible. Some travelers help you achieve this. Some weigh you down with luggage. To win you must travel light.

There are four suits of thirteen unique hand-painted travel characters created by Sally Rhone-Kubarek. Each travel character comes with a set number of bags. Some have very few bags and some have lots! There are also a handful of travelers that can be very helpful.

This is a fun, easy-to-learn game to play with friends or family. And if you’re packing bags for your next trip, this game doesn’t weigh anything!

You can find the card game on The Game Crafter.

Update 8/2/21: This card game now exists as an app built for smartphones and tablets and is available for iOS and Android!

